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Choice Connections of NC is pleased to welcome Ashley Beale to the Choice Connections Team!  Ashley will be leading our Raleigh, NC office.

A little bit from Ashley:

“From a young age, I knew I had a special connection with seniors. I always felt more at home with my grandmother and her friends than I did with people my own age. As years passed, I saw my parents’ attempt to juggle their responsibilities with the needs of my aging grandmother. My parents were “flying blind” and struggled to find resources. By the time I was ready to choose a career, my grandmother had passed away, but I knew she could live on in my service to other seniors.

Choice Connections is the navigational system my parents did not have. With over 10 years of experience as a social worker in skilled nursing care and retirement communities, I can provide a road map to families looking for solutions to their care giving needs in the Triangle. Families who work with me will have all the tools needed to make an informed decision regarding care. Whether the goal is aging in place at home or moving to a local senior community, families can feel assured they will be supported and their loved one will be treated with dignity and respect.”

Contact Ashley today for help in the Raleigh, NC area!